Friday, April 22, 2011

New Toy:maven2

Started playing with maven2, trying to set it all up. Safaribooks FTW!

So after playing around with it for a while, and trying to solve all the dependencies of a project I had already created, I finally have a working project, with a good pom file, and was able to make it into a jar file that includes all its dependencies.

The main problem I was having:
The maintainers of mina had put "bundle" as the type in many places instead of jar. An awesome " find -iname '*.pom' | xargs sed -i 's/>bundlejar
I will edit this post later for more details on the many mistakes I made on my way to sleep is in order!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

LINK:Markdown, tool for better web text

Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation seems like a great interesting tool to use while typing on the web. Also of interest, this implementation of the same tool.

davidchambers / Showdown / source – Bitbucket.

Could this be mixed in with blogger or tumblr or some other blog engine....
I hope so, because it seems so much neater and awesome-er than using these little custom blog forms.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

LINK:Clips tutorial

Found this great tutorial that covers a lot of the most important basics in the CLIPS expert systems. You can acces it here. Its been greatly useful for the building a tool that we have been creating for the capstone course.